IBM -Technical Questions III

Q)Function entry for DLL in win3.1
ans WinMain

Q)What type of memory could be accessed in least time?
ans CPU registers. The top of the memory pyramid :)

Q)what is data integrity constants?
ans Oracle uses integrity constraints to prevent invalid data entry into the database. It can be achieved using NOTNULL, Primary Key ,CHECK, Foreign Key etc..... constraints

Q)Paging is ------------------------
ans Paging is the technique of accessing memory ,larger than the maximum memory which can be addressed by a microprocessor.The interfaced memory is divided into pages such that the size of each page is equal to or less then the maximum memory which can be interfaced. Then whenever a specific address is to be accessed, the corresponding page is selected and the memory location is accessed.

Q) What is trigger in DBMS?
ans A Trigger is a PL/SQL block that executes whenever a particular event takes in database like Insert,Update, Delete and combination of these three will cause the trigger to execute.Trigger is a technique to maintain integrity constraints

Q)What is the difference b/w 0123 and 123 in c?

ans 0123 the number that can be start 0 it will be treated as a octal number that is base 8. 123 is the integer number representation base is 10.

Q) Nice command is used for?
ANS This is used for change the priority

13 Which of the choices is true for the mentioned declaration ?

const char *p;


char * const p;

a) You can't change the character in both

b) First : You can't change the characterr &

Second : You can;t change the pointer

c) You can't change the pointer in both

d) First : You can't change the pointer &

Second : You can't chanage the character

e) None

Ans) b ( check it)
