XML and ADO.NET - General Questions

1. The XSLT processor copies the elements of the stylesheet until it finds a command in the format:
A.            SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE.
B.            {item, action}.
C.            {for-each select}.
D.            <HTML>...<\HTML>.
Ans: Option B

2. What standard, protocol or language was generalized to become a standard protocol for sending messages of any type, using any protocol?
A.            SOAP     B.            SGML
C.            SQL        D.            ADO
Ans: Option A

3. Which of the following statements is not true about XML Schemas:
A.            They are used to define the content and structure of data.
B.            They define a set of symbols and the relationships of those symbols.
C.            They are themselves XML documents.
D.            They have their own syntax.
Ans: Option D

4. The most popular way to materialize XML documents is to use:
A.            DTD.      B.            XSLT.
C.            HTML.   D.            SOAP.
Ans: Option B

5. With XML:
A.            views are not limited to one multi-valued path only.
B.            documents can automatically be generated from database data only.
C.            database data can automatically be extracted from XML documents only.
D.            With XML, all of the above are true.
Ans: Option D

6. To eliminate definition duplication, XML Schemas define:
A.            an intersection table.
B.            global elements.
C.            a normalized definition table.
D.            None of the above is correct.
Ans: Option B

7. What is not true about SOAP?
A.            SOAP originally meant Simple Object Access Protocol.
B.            SOAP was defined as an XML-based standard for providing remote procedure calls over the Internet.
C.            SOAP now is just a name, not an acronym
D.            SOAP was an early form of XML.
Ans: Option D

8. XML Schemas consist of:
A.            properties and methods.
B.            elements and attributes.
C.            structure and data.
D.            tables and relationships.
Ans: Option B

9. The expression FOR XML RAW tells SQL Server to:
A.            place the values of the columns as attributes in the resulting XML document.
B.            place the values of the columns into elements rather than attributes.
C.            place some columns into elements and others into attributes.
D.            None of the above is correct.
Ans: Option A

10. ADO.NET provides the ability to create and process in-memory databases called:
A.            views.   B.            relations.
C.            tables.  D.            datasets.
Ans: Option D

11. An XML component that defines the structure of a document is known as a(n):
A.            DOCTYPE.
B.            DTD.
C.            #PCDATA.
D.            HTML Stylesheet.
Ans: Option B

12. HTML is an application of a more robust document markup language called:
A.            XHTML.
B.            XML.
C.            SGML.
D.            None of the above is correct.
Ans: Option C

13. XSLT processors evaluate each statement in the context of the match that has been made. That is, XSLT processors are:
A.            context oriented.
B.            procedural oriented.
C.            object oriented.
D.            relational oriented.
Ans: Option A

14. The DTD begins with the word:
A.            #PCDATA.           B.            XML.
C.            DOCTYPE.            D.            HTTPS.
Ans: Option C

15. What is not true about XML?
A.            Web page display is the most important application of XML.
B.            With XML, there is a clear separation between document structure, content and materialization.
C.            XML is more powerful than HTML.
D.            XML documents have two sections.
Ans: Option A

16. What is not true about XSLT?
A.            XSLT is a declarative transformation language.
B.            XSLT uses a set of rules that govern how a document is to be materialized is created.
C.            XSLT uses a set of procedures that specify how a document is to be programmed.
D.            XSLT is used to transform the input document into another document.
Ans: Option C

17. If the XML data instance conforms to the DTD, the document is said to be:
A.            type-invalid.
B.            type-valid.
C.            not-type-valid.
D.            an HTML document.
Ans: Option B

18. XML is:
A.            a subset of SGML only.
B.            a hybrid of document processing and database processing only.
C.            a standardized yet customizable way to describe the content of documents only.
D.            XML is all of the above.
Ans: Option D

19. The document that is used by XSLT to indicate how to transform the elements of the XML document to another format is a(n):
A.            HTML page.
B.            DOCTYPE procedure.
C.            stylesheet.
D.            stored procedure.
Ans: Option C

20. If an XML document does not have a DTD, then by definition it is:
A.            not-type-valid.
B.            type-valid.
C.            an HTML document.
D.            None of the above is correct.
Ans: Option A
