TCS Interview Question & Answers Part I

  1. Explain linux file types?
            7 types of files

             - regular
             d directory
             l symbolic link
             c character special file (hardware files)
     b block special file (files to communicate with    hardware )
             p named pipe (to pass data between process )
     s socket ( mechanism for inter-process communication

2.       2. How is FAT32 file system mounted in linux file system?
            #mkdir /d
            #mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /d
            /dev/hda1------>drive name

3.    3.   What is difference between ext3 and ext4 file-system?

·           faster time stamping
·           faster file system checking
·           journaling checksums
         Extents (basically automatic space allocation to avoid fragmentation)
