Introduction to Database - True or False

1. The relational database model was created by E.F. Codd.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option A,Explanation:The relational model for database management is a database model based on first-order predicate logic, first formulated and proposed in 1969 by E.F. Codd.

2. A database is called "self-describing" because it contains a description of itself.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option A

3. In a database, data is stored in spreadsheets which have rows and columns.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option B

4. A database has data and relationships.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option A

5. Databases create information.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option A

6. One of the reasons why OODBMSs have not been widely used for business information systems is that OOP is obsolete.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option B

7. A database administrator designs, constructs, and manages the databases.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option A

8. In an enterprise-class database system, business users interact directly with database applications, which directly access the database data.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option B

9. Applications are programs that interact directly with the database.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option B

10. The purpose of a database is to help people stop using spreadsheets.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option B

11. Microsoft Access is an enterprise-class database product.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option B

12. Structured Query Language (SQL) is an internationally recognized standard language that is understood by all commercial database management system products.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option A

13. The XML family of standards is very important in database processing today.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option A

14. A database has a built-in capability to create, process and administer itself.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option B

15. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an example of a single user database.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option B

16. Prior to 1970, all data was stored in separate files, which were mostly stored on reels of magnetic tape.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option A

17. A database design may be based on existing data.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option A

18. The DBMS ranked as being the "easiest to use" in the text is Oracle Corporation's Oracle.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option B

19. Database applications are seldom intended for use by a single user.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option B

20. The DBMS ranked as being the "hardest to use" in the text is Microsoft's SQL Server.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option B

21. In an Enterprise-class database system, business users interact directly with database applications that interact with the DBMS, which directly accesses the database data.
A.            True       B.            False
Answer: Option A
